Motion Table Clinical Evaluation

Clinical Observations Using The Motion Table for Linear Vestibular Stimulation

By Mona Feige PT, MS

Sensory integrative dysfunction

Sensory integrative dysfunction creates difficulty organizing information being processed by the brain. These deficits have a direct, negative impact on the individualâs ability to learn motor and pre-academic skills, and to fully participate in the environment. Associated deficits create difficulty supporting the body against gravity during sitting and movement activities. Individuals with these disorders are known to have difficulty processing information in the vestibular system. (2)

The vestibular system influences muscle tone and helps maintain spatial orientation and equilibrium. The vestibular system cannot control posture alone, all the sensory systems must be integrated and working together to enable postural control. A major function of the vestibular system is to resolve sensory conflict and enable motor control.(3) The primary function of the vestibular system is to oppose gravity and initiate balance reactions. Dysfunction in the vestibular system results in hypotonia, motor incoordination, and a decrease in postural and ocular reactions.